Monday, March 8, 2010

Navigating the Model

On complex Excel models with multiple, large worksheets, your users often need to "jump" to a specific location. For example, you may have defined a set of financial statements - Balance Sheet, Income Statement, etc. To improve their user's experience, power programmers usually set up some sort of navigation buttons or menus, providing an easy way to find the useful content in the model.

Named ranges are certainly helpful in this situation. You can define a named range which points to the top-left corner of the indicated content. The user can then GOTO that range, either by selecting it in the Name box, or using the GoTo menu command. Unfortunately, Excel doesn't know that we want the named range to the the top-left cell in our view, so it only scrolls enough to get the name "in view", even if that means being on the bottom of our visible range.

To get around this particular annoyance, and to ensure my users have the most pleasant experience possible when using my Excel applications, I developed the GoScroll method. This re-usable routine accepts a named range as it's only parameter. When called, it will activate the appropriate worksheet and jump to the indicated range, making sure to scroll the window such that the range ends up in the upper-left corner of the display. Here's the code:

Public Sub GoScroll(ByVal strRange As String)

Dim intPane As Integer, rng As Range

On Error GoTo Fail

Set rng = Range(strRange)

intPane = ActiveWindow.Panes.Count

With ActiveWindow.Panes(intPane)
.SmallScroll Up:=.VisibleRange.Row - rng.Row, _
ToLeft:=.VisibleRange.Column - rng.Column
End With


Set rng = Nothing

End Sub

This routine leverages the SmallScroll method of the ActiveWindow.Panes object. If you have split your window, it will have more than one "pane", so this code assumes it will be working with the last pane in the collection. Adjust this as required, depending on how your window splits are set up.

With this routine in place, I can now hook up navigation buttons or menus for any named range in the workbook. I call the code like this: GoScroll("Income_Statement") where "Income_Statement" is the named range pointing the the upper-left cell in my income statement section.

Note that this logic requires that the range must be defined globally for the workbook, not locally on a specific worksheet. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out how to handle local names. I hope you find this useful. As always, I welcome your feedback.

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